Elder care

The ideal situation for your older relatives is something that works great for them and also works great for you. Of course, we don’t know what that would be in your case. Our goal is to take as much as possible off your hands, so you have more time to concentrate on other priorities, while still having quality time with the people you love. Here are some of the things we provide:

Logistics. Daily check-in visits, medication management, errands, finding a new place for them to live, schedule management, budgeting, maintenance, etc.

Quit smoking. Thankfully, fewer and fewer people need to go through this, but if your loved ones smoke, it’s our number-one priority to get them to stop. We know that can sound impossible, but if they want to live longer, we will find a way.

Medical second opinion. As senior care becomes more and more institutionalized, insurance companies and doctors have to fall in line with established programs that may benefit some (or even many) people, but not necessarily yours. Many classes of drugs are popular, profitable, and provide marginal gains at best. At worst, they are downright dangerous. We work with biostatisticians who can help add perspective to decisions about vaccines, osteoporosis medication, cancer treatments, dietary recommendations, and more. There are no guarantees in medicine, but it helps to make decisions based on as much evidence as possible.

Weight loss. This is difficult, but losing weight could add years of better functioning to your loved ones’ lives. Most dieticians and institutions have no clue about diet and weight loss. Their track record is terrible. We know this is a huge challenge, and no, it isn’t a simple matter of calories-in minus calories-out. It’s actually more about hormones and genetics. Our approach is to work with each person to see what can be done, try things, and find what works. At the very least, our goal is to prevent them from gaining more.

Exercise. We cannot stress this enough: the older you get, the more time out of your day you should dedicate to being an athlete. Walking isn’t good enough. Your loved ones should do what, for them, constitutes a mix of distance/endurance, weight training, balance and agility, stretching, cross training, and, if possible, competition. This, along with a similar program for cognitive exercise, should be their full-time job.

Cognitive training has marginal gains and hasn’t been found to prevent cognitive decline. It’s still a useful tool, but doing the crossword every day won’t make you much more than a crossword expert. This kind of training is not “cross training.”

Prevent falls. It’s impossible to prevent many medical conditions, but a fall can spell the end of mobility for an older person, and things can cascade from there. We want to create an environment, training, and all the aids we can put in place to prevent falls.

Projects, learning, engagement, discovery, teaching - all these things can help prevent overall cognitive decline and improve quality of life tremendously. Getting out of the routine, having something to plan, work toward, and look forward to is very important for people of all ages. It is especially important for seniors. Each person needs a custom-tailored program and a regular check-in to hold him/her accountable. A program like this, combined with regular exercise, can add years to a person’s life.

Travel can be stressful for older people, but it also pays huge rewards. We can help you build a system to let your loved ones travel with less risk and stress.

Decisionmaking. There are many times when you would like to do as much research as possible to make a particular big decision that affects your loved ones, but you just don’t have time. We have years of experience framing decisions and can research all the options, letting you make the final choice.

There are no guarantees. But we do know that people who live to age 70 tend to live to age 80, and those who live to 80 have a good shot at 90. The following videos should be inspirational:

Bad guys like Emmanuel Weyi should be caught and prosecuted.