
We are not lawyers. We are project managers. We are a team of experts who have helped 100s of women not only overcome the legal challenges of high net-worth divorce (such as asset deprivation and legal threats), but the practical, financial,  and emotional challenges that come with it. We've worked with quite a few high net-worth clients getting divorced to manage their assets and give them peace of mind.

This page has an overview of our services, but to get the full story, watch our webinar and book a call to talk with us.

Divorcing moms usually need support in the legal process, organization, and project management. Professional moms may need all the help they can get just to get through the week. Our goal is to help you get the best outcome possible (including your fair share of assets) while spending more quality time with kids.

Divorcing dads usually need more help with kids, housing, domestic issues, and organization. Dads may have a lot of other responsibilities, or they may just need to get better at managing kids and schedules. They may need help catching all the little things they normally do but no longer have time for.

We are your divorce project managers. We will handle all the details, scrutinize all the documents, get second opinions, hire investigators or specialists, and generally be in charge of executing the process. We keep you informed every step of the way and work with you to make sure nothing gets dropped.

We are your meta-advisors. We help you decide which lawyers to use and how to use them. We can help you find other lawyers, consultants, and resources you may need to maximize your results. While most lawyers mean well, they are busy people with many clients; they often miss small things that can be important to you later.

We advocate collaborative divorce if possible. A collaborative divorce is a formal process by which both parties and their lawyers agree not to use the courts or threaten to use the courts. It isn’t possible in all cases, but you should try to convince your spouse of the benefits, especially for children.

We create your divorce dashboard. We use Notion to create a dashboard where all your documents, resources, timelines, schedules, notes, agreements, and other assets live. This lets us share with others easily and helps keep everything on track.

We help you prepare. There are a lot of details to manage. We work with you to chase everything down and put it into a cohesive package.

Script your time with your spouse. Agree to new patterns of interaction. You don’t want old patterns repeating themselves. You want your kids to see both parents getting along and managing the divorce well.

Spend more time with your kids. Children need more attention during a divorce, not less. Sending them to a counselor or psychologist is often counterproductive. Their needs are personal, and they don’t express them well. While kids need day-to-day care, they also need special attention at this time. You should pay special attention to them, and you should also create special memories for them that go above and beyond the routine. The more you can do special things with them, the more they will remember.

Set goals for you and your kids to achieve together. Goals are important for kids. They get kids off their phones and into action, preparing for their big day, their big presentation, or their big event. This is why we are offering a trip to climb Mt Kilimanjaro and go on safari in February, 2024. This trip will galvanize you and your kids into a training program that starts in the summer. Get started on achieving a big goal to help your kids remember the project, not the divorce.

Work with your ex to and create a post-divorce family structure that works. Kids need continuity. They will see both parents often. They need to see mom and dad getting along. This doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning and the same kind of commitment you have for a collaborative divorce process. Written agreements can help, along with an integrated schedule and processes.

Difficult Divorces

Some divorces will be contested rather than collaborative, simply because one party refuses to collaborate. There is no magic recipe for getting through the process, but there are people who can help. Being prepared is half the battle. We will work with you to manage this disruptive process and help make things as smooth as possible for the children. In addition, some of these resources may help:

Farzad Law’s guide to high-net-worth divorces gives you an overview, and they will give you a free consultation session to answer your questions.

Gray divorces (parties over 50 years old) are on the rise in the US. Some things to watch out for.

An overview of high-net-worth separation and divorce by Lisa Gelman - this is for couples in Canada but provides a good overview.

Emma Johnson’s resources for wealthy moms — wow, there is a lot on this website.

Online resources

Our Happy Divorce is a book and a set of resources for turning divorce into a positive experience for everyone.

It’s Over Easy — an online divorce platform that guides couples through an uncontested (no lawyers) process of working everything out.

Divorce.com — a super helpful platform with online tools, lawyers, coaches - everything you need to make your divorce as smooth as possible.

Talking to Children About Divorce: A Parent's Guide to Healthy Communication at Each Stage of Divorce, by Jean McBride

Nothing Says a Good Day like a Divorce, if you Prepare for it! — by Helen M Dukhan

The Good Divorce, by Constance Ahrons

Should I Stay or Should I Go? — Kate Anthony has a complete tool kit for making difficult decisions about love and family. She is the creator of the Divorce Survival Guide podcast and much more.


Stepmom magazine — for a monthly subscription, you get the magazine plus membership in their online stepmom community.

Divorce coaches

Christina McGhee - has an informative website and a 20-page resource guide that will help you put things in perspective.

Sonia Limbada is our partner is working with clients. She has over 20 years’ experience in family law and divorce coaching. She is amazing. Visit her website or contact us and we’ll all get on a call together.
